The perfect Yoga practice to brighten up your day

I'm starting today's post by expressing my gratitude for everything in my life and thanking all the beautiful people who visit my blog, you make me happy and I'm thankful. 

Today's yoga session with Adriene is titled Rainbow Yoga 🌈 Yoga For All Ages! It's the perfect yoga video to welcome good flow of energy and to increase flexibility in both body and spirit by releasing any tension or negative thoughts.

This yoga video starts with exercises that aid us in getting rid of any stress, I really enjoyed the poses that brought movement to the hips because I'm working on doing the splits and also loved the poses that focused on the core.

Adriene encourages us not to feel the pressure to copy the exact shape of her poses because yoga is about embracing our true selves, finding our own originality, enjoying the process and not emulating anyone else.

I'm going to repeat this yoga session as much as possible, I love how it energizes the body in the most gentle way. 

Remember to breathe deeply and continue your self care routine, keep on moving and love who you are!

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